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Theatrical Resume`


1991 -1992

Reno Actor's Studio

Reno, Nevada


Various Productions

including an original production

of "Afternoon In Central Park"

and was Stage Manager/Promptor

on "The Return of Herbert Bracewell, or

Why Am I Alone Everytime I'm With You."


1993 - 2000


Stockton Civic Theatre

Stockton, California



"Can't Take It With You"

"Enter Laughing"


Various Community Theatre

and Church productions

including protraying

"Jesus" in

"He's Alive!"

for First Baptist Church

in Stockton, California


Various Productions

for Come Together Theatre Company

and Smiler's Comedy Playhouse

in Stockton, California


2000 - Present


Various original productions

performed in Stockton, California

at various venues.

Currently writing stage plays

and recording radio plays for

my own production company

and hosting daily radio shows

and podcasts.


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